These are objects of classes
These objects store the results of interpolating a 1-D regression data set to a grid which is a power of two in length
The following components must be included in a legitimate griddata object.
a vector containing the values of the grid on the "x" axis.
a vector containing the values of the grid on the "y" axis. This vector has to be the same length as gridt. Typically the values in (gridt, gridy
) are the results of interpolating arbitrary data (x,y
) onto (gridt, gridy
. The value at each point corresponds to the proportion of the original data point pointed to by Gindex
that contributes to the new value at the corresponding gridt
value. See Kovac, (1997), page 81 for further information.
Each entry in Gindex
refers to one of the pairs in (x,y
) which is contributing to the (gridt, gridy
) interpolant. See previous help for G
This class of objects is returned from the makegrid
function to represent the results of interpolating a 1-D regression data set to a grid.
The griddata
class of objects really on has one function that uses it: irregwd
Version 3.9.6 Copyright Arne Kovac 1997 Copyright Guy Nason (help pages) 1999.
The help page for makegrid
and Kovac, (1997), p.81 give further details about how a griddata
object is constructed.